The final preparations have begun for the annual Spring Festival in this delightful standalone sequel to Creature Comforts! 🦊🐻🐰
Latest Updates from Our Project:
BackerKit Pledge Manager Info
about 2 years ago
– Tue, Jan 24, 2023 at 10:42:46 AM
Hello Lovely Creatures!
This is an exciting time for all of us! Our BackerKit surveys are ready to go!! I'm writing today to give you the information you need to complete your survey as thoroughly as possible. If you are new to this, not to worry! We'll hold your hand through every step of it. If you are a veteran, then you'll be on your way very quickly.
The Process
Today we'll be sending out a Smoke Test of surveys. This means that about 5% of you will get your BackerKit survey right away. We use these surveys to flesh out any issues that might arise. It's easier for us to fix 200 surveys than 4000. Once we've cleared 50% of these Smoke Test surveys, we'll send the rest out. That might be today, or it might be tomorrow. But rest assured, you will get your survey within the next 24-48 hours.
What To Do When You Get Your Survey
One really nice thing about BackerKit is the ease of its interface. The process is incredibly intuitive. However, just in case, here is some help for you:
1. When you get your email, click on the button that will take you to your survey. You will see a page that looks like this:
Select your country and your region and press the green Get Started button.
2. When you get to the next page, you'll see this question:
Please check the appropriate language for you. If you backed the campaign for Maple Valley and Creature Comforts, your question will pertain to both games. There is a long list of languages (including English, Czech, Dutch, French, German, Hungarian, Italian, Polish, and Spanish), but here is what it will look like:
Please choose the language that you want to receive your games in.
3. Questions #2 and 3 ask you if you'd like to join our newsletter lists. Please choose the appropriate answer for you and hit Next after you do.
4.You will then get to question #4 of the survey. This question will tell you that your game(s) are already in your cart. Click on I understand.
Once done, click on the Next:Add-ons button.
If you want to change something at any time, click on the Previous button.
5. This will bring you to the Add-ons page. If you do not wish to add anything on to your pledge, please review what is in your cart on the right side of the page and click Next. It looks like this:
If you do wish to add something to your pledge, you can do this now. There is a long list of products that you can add, organized by language, as well as a section for extras down at the bottom. Please find your preferred language and see what is available. Once you see the item you'd like to add, please click on Add to Cart, as shown below. You can add more than one item. As you add items, you can see them in the section at the right of the page (as shown above). Once you are done, please hit the Next button.
5. The next page collects your address information. You must fill in this page to the best of your ability, even if you know you're going to move.
Click Next to move to the payment page. Sometimes BackerKit will come back to you with an address suggestion. Please be careful with this. Only select the address that is suggested to you if it is more accurate. Otherwise, keep the address you've given us already.
6. On this last page, the survey asks you to review what you've pledged for and what add-ons you have in your cart. Check that the balance is correct, including the shipping price and tax associated with your region. Check your address in the Shipping Info section. If you need to go back and fix it, click on the Edit Shipping Info button. Finally, review your pledge items and enter your payment information. Even if you have not added anything to your pledge in BackerKit, you'll have to submit payment information so that we can ship your game to you. Finally, hit Place My Order.
And you're done!
Accessing Your BackerKit Survey At Any Time
Please keep the BackerKit email we sent to you. This will help you edit your address and your pledge when you need to. If you have lost the email or you have never received it, you can go here to retrieve it. If you still can't get into your survey please contact us at [email protected].
Encrypted Email Addresses
If you use an encrypted Apple email address for Kickstarter, you will not get your BackerKit survey. The best thing to do in this case is let us know; we can change your Backerkit email address. Please do that as soon as possible.
Address Changes
You will be able to change your address on your own at any time between today and when we close addresses. This date is dependent on the shipping date. Typically we close addresses when we are 2-3 weeks away from fulfillment. So, not to worry if your address changes between now and then, we've got you covered. Keep in mind that it is our policy to have backers change their address directly in BackerKit so that no mistakes can be made.
January 24/25-February 15 Complete surveys
February 15 Surveys will close. This will mean that you won't be able to add anything else to your pledge after this date. I will send you an update from the Maple Valley campaign to remind you of this date.
End of February Production begins - this begins with a production sample being made and then sent to us. We will update you with photos of the game once we have the sample in hand.
April 4 Credit cards will be charged for add-ons and shipping
June Production ends
July and August Games fulfilling
Please take this timeline with a grain of salt. Anything can happen to change the dates. And of course, if one thing happens at the beginning to slow things down, it is a cascading effect for the rest of the project. Our belief is that we'll have the games in August to most backers. But these days, with so much uncertainty, you never know. We'll continue to update you throughout the process. We'll send an update monthly, unless we have something extra to add. Then we'll send it before a month has gone by.
That's all for now, Creatures. Thank you all so much for being here and helping us create this incredible follow-up to Creature Comforts!
If you ever have any questions or want to talk to us about anything, please don't hesitate to contact us through a DM in Kickstarter, or ask in the comments section on the main campaign page. We're here for you!
You are all amazing, and we are so lucky that you chose to be with us for Maple Valley!
Until next time Creatures...
Helaina and the Maple Valley Team
The In-Between!
about 2 years ago
– Thu, Jan 12, 2023 at 08:11:35 AM
Hello Creatures!!
I just wanted to send an update to let you know that we are almost finished working on the BackerKit surveys. These surveys will be sent out to you either on January 24th or 25th. When we do, we'll send you another update through Kickstarter to let you know. We'll also give you some instructions for completing the survey, in that update. This will help new KS backers get through it easily.
In terms of the game's readiness for manufacturing ... well, we're finishing up last minute details, and then we'll do some proofreading. Once that phase is completed, in two weeks or so, we'll send work files over to our language partners. They will have 30 days to translate their files. Once their files are complete (this should take us to after the Lunar New Year, when everything in China is closed anyway), we will send them off to be manufactured. Then, it's the really long wait.
We'll keep you updated every month, even if it is to say that there is nothing going on.
That's all for now, Creatures. Thank you all so much for being here and helping us create this incredible follow-up to Creature Comforts!
If you ever have any questions or want to talk to us about anything, please don't hesitate to contact us through a DM in Kickstarter, or ask in the comments section on the main campaign page. We're here for you!
You are all amazing, and we are so lucky that you chose to be with us for Maple Valley!
Until next time Creatures...
Helaina and the Maple Valley Team
Winner, Some Info and Dates
about 2 years ago
– Thu, Dec 15, 2022 at 08:51:00 PM
Hello Creatures!
Have we ever missed you! It seems like just yesterday I told you that I'd be updating you about our Make-a-Friend Event winners. And here we are, almost 1 week after the campaign has ended. I'm sorry it's taken so long to send you this update. I've been playing catch up since Saturday. I'm still inundated with emails and requests, but at least I can see the light at the end of the tunnel. Let's move along and get into what we've all come here for.
January 24th - BackerKit pledge manager Smoke Test will go out. This means that approximately 5% of you will receive an email from BackerKit with information about your survey.
January 25th - Once all of the kinks are ironed out from the Smoke Test, the remaining surveys will go out.
End of January - Art, graphic design, and development will wrap up. Files will be submitted to our manufacturer for sampling. Files will also go to our localization partners for translation
February 15th - BackerKit will close. This means you will not be able to add anything to your order. However, your address will not be locked. You will continue to be able to change your address until we lock addresses before shipping games to you.
End of February - Once the sample is received, we'll give our manufacturer our notes. We'll collect the localization files for printing and then we'll get started!
March-July - This is the time it will take to produce the game. It is also the LOOOOOOOOONG wait!
July/August- Games will be shipped to different regions of the world. Your addresses will be locked.
September - Maple Valley (and your add-ons) will ship to you.
On Kickstarter we have a December 2023 shipping date. As we know, these are uncertain times and anything can happen to effect this timeline. We really do hope that we'll be able to get your game to you, at the very least, by next holiday season.
What Is BackerKit?
BackerKit is software that helps crowdfunding backers and creators connect. It is a way for us to collect the information about your pledge (what you've pledged for on our Kickstarter campaign), collect your shipping address, and allow you to pay for your add-ons and for shipping. It is a very helpful tool that is intuitive and easy to use. If you need any help along the way, please do not hesitate to contact us at [email protected].
What Is Your Role In Completing The BackerKit Survey?
BackerKit will send you an email with a link to a survey. Once you get into your own profile, there will be be a few questions, such as "how did you learn about Maple Valley?" and "would you like to join our mailing list?" that you will need to answer. The money that you gave to us through Kickstarter works as a credit toward products in BackerKit. Most of you backed our campaign because you want Maple Valley. But some of you would also like some add-ons. This is where you can add them. You will also be asked for your address and credit card number. This is so that we can charge you for your add-ons and shipping. Please note that your BackerKit survey must be filled out within 8 weeks of receiving the BackerKit email. If not, you run the risk of not receiving your items.
That's all for now, Creatures. Thank you all so much for being here and helping us create this incredible follow-up to Creature Comforts!
If you ever have any questions or want to talk to us about anything, please don't hesitate to contact us through a DM in Kickstarter, or ask in the comments section on the main campaign page. We're here for you!
You are all amazing, and we are so lucky that you chose to be with us for Maple Valley!
Until next time Creatures...
Helaina and the Maple Valley Team
Thank You For the Memories!
about 2 years ago
– Sat, Dec 10, 2022 at 10:29:14 AM
Hello Creatures!
I can't believe the campaign has ended. We really rocked the last few hours; there was so much happening, I couldn't even keep up. Even that short outage earlier today at Kickstarter couldn't keep us down!!!!! With $484,143CA pledged, 1225% funded, and 5,831 backers, the Maple Valley campaign has come to a close.
I have so much to say. I'll start with this... Thank YOU Creatures!! Without you, none of this would have been possible. We can't thank you enough for the outpouring of support. Not just for us; also for each other. It was so nice to wake up every morning and read through the comments section. The warmth and camaraderie you displayed toward each other will last in my memories forever. It was truly a dream come true for this team! You took what could have been a routine campaign and turned it into an amazing community of passionate gamers (and, dare I say, animal enthusiasts!?). Thank you so much for joining us on this journey. We will never forget the fun times we had together!!
To Our Team
It takes a team to make this happen. It was all of us working together to achieve this goal.
First and foremost, to Roberta. This campaign was all #forroberta. Roberta, thank you so much for trusting us with another game. It has been an absolute blast working with you, developing with you, and just spending time getting to know you. You are an incredible designer and I hope to continue working with you until one of us retires (ha!).
Shawna, your incredible artistic touch is what makes Creature Comforts and Maple Valley so striking. Your art is what brings people to the page. It is what brings this incredible game to life. Thanks for sticking with us and seeing this project through. We feel so lucky that we were able to snag you for yet another game. How lucky are we?
Daniel, your dedication to making sure everyone is attended to, on this campaign, and off of it, keeps this engine moving. Thank you for your hard work and dedication to KTBG and Maple Valley!
Sean, we couldn't do any of this without you. Thanks for helping to make the wheels turn and getting the word out there about Maple Valley. Working with you is truly one of the great joys we have. You're not just a team member, you're family.
Josh, without your vision and your keen sense of "what backers will want", we wouldn't be there. I have really enjoyed watching you run up the stairs with your next idea. You are truly a visionary, and I'm so lucky to be sharing these moments with you.
To the team as a whole, thank you for your dedication to bringing people together with games. I am so incredibly lucky to be working with you!
What We've Unlocked
All three of these stretch goals speak for themselves. But one thing I can say, is that I am so happy that #forroberta, #allwoodencomponents, and Ghost Stories became a thing. What a rush!
What's Next?
We will come back to you tomorrow with the 3 Make-a-Friend event winners. Then, we are going to take the next three days off of work. We are also going to try to avoid the phantom urge to refresh the campaign.
There is so much to do:
Within the next several weeks (we will definitely wait until after the holidays) we will send you the pledge manager survey from BackerKit. This is where you will give us your address, pay for shipping, tell us what language you want your products in, and add-on anything you'd like. Your pledge from Kickstarter acts as a credit in BackerKit. That means that you can choose any products you'd like for the money that you've already pledged in Kickstarter. Before we send the BackerKit survey out to you, we'll give you much more information. For now, just know that it's coming in the new year.
We will tie up loose ends with development and art. This should take a few weeks.
We'll submit the game to our localization partners for translation.
While translations are taking place, we will have the sample made.
Once the sample is approved and localization packages are submitted, we'll begin printing. This will be the long wait. We'll keep you up-to-date every step of the way. There will be at least 1 update a month during this time.
Much more information forthcoming!
That's all for now, Creatures. Thank you all so much for being here and helping us create this incredible follow-up to Creature Comforts!
If you ever have any questions or want to talk to us about anything, please don't hesitate to contact us through a DM in Kickstarter, or ask in the comments section on the main campaign page. We're here for you!
You are all amazing, and we are so lucky that you chose to be with us for Maple Valley!
Until next time Creatures...
Helaina and the Maple Valley Team
In Our Last Hours
about 2 years ago
– Fri, Dec 09, 2022 at 08:54:20 AM
Hello Creatures!
Whoohoo! What a wild 24 hours we've had. So much has happened. Currently we are sitting at #2 on the Kicktraq Hotlist, where we've held steady (up and down) for almost the entire campaign. That is really incredible. While I'm writing this to you we have about 10 hours left, we're at $443 000CA+, and have 5357 backers!! What a rush! For those of you just joining us, you have honestly made the right decision. This game is so incredible. But truthfully, the campaign and all its backers have been really incredible. I have enjoyed myself immensely. And that is a tough thing for a creator to say while running a Kickstarter campaign. You are lucky you got in on time to see the love and support running through this campaign! And those of you who, day after day, spend your time reading comments, lifting each other up, and generally being good humans, THANK YOU! From the bottom of our hearts, THANK YOU!
What We've Unlocked
Blew past these four stretch goals in no time. Thanks to you!!! Of course, we had to make the Maps wooden. It makes the game more complete.
And the Backer-Inspired Friends! This campaign deserved it. What an amazing crew we have here! Thank you for making this campaign so pleasurable for all of us!
Cast Your Vote
What We're Working On
Designer of Creature Comforts and Maple Valley, Roberta Taylor, has a connection with Ravens. So we came up with this Roaming Raven for our next stretch goal. We've noticed this amazing #forroberta going around. When you post about the Roaming Raven, make sure to use that hashtag to accompany it. The Roaming Raven mini-expansion allows you to make one free trade if you should bump into him on your travels... How cool is that!?
How We Can Be Sure To Score These Amazing Stretch Goals
There are just about 10 hours to go on this campaign. And after that, we will no longer have the opportunity to spread the word and get those stretch Goals. So, if you can, please share, share, share!!
--> If you think know someone that would love to play this game, share this link with them:
--> Make sure to like and retweet thisTweet! And don't forget to use #forroberta in your Tweet!
--> Keep us on the Kicktraq HOT LIST! If you want to make a comment on the Maple Valley campaign, make sure to get there through this link first and clicking on the green "VISIT PROJECT" button on the upper left hand side of the page. The more backers that do it, the more likely we'll stay in the Top 10 on the Hot List. Currently we are at #2. Can we get to #1?? I guess that's up to you!
That's all for now, Creatures. Thank you all so much for being here and helping us create this incredible follow-up to Creature Comforts!
If you ever have any questions or want to talk to us about anything, please don't hesitate to contact us through a DM in Kickstarter, or ask in the comments section below. We're here for you!